This brief post shows how to create a bi-dimentional array and describe it using IB pseudocode. It isn't stated in the
IB Pseudocode in Examinations or
Approved notation for developing pseudocode documents, so it's
my answer to it, not an official one. Don't sue me if your examiner disagrees with me! O_o
declare A as integer array of size [ROWS][COLUMNS] or
declare A as integer array of size (ROWS, COLUMNS)
declare A as integer array of size [5][6]
declare A as integer array of size (5, 6)
Obviously, integer should be replaced by the appropriate data type.
IB papers may have defined it for you, or they may not ask you
at all to define the size. You could define it (unknown size) as
declare A as integer array of size [ ][ ]
...then you'd use it like
loop ROW from 0 to 5
loop COL from 0 to 6
output A[ROW][COL] or output A(ROW, COL)
end loop
end loop
I'd recommend going for the [ ][ ] style as it'd be more consistent with
the single dimensional arrays described in the IB pseudocode documents mentioned above.